Dream of owning your own home?
Connect with the information and resources you need to plan and achieve it
People and families with disabilities who dream of owning their own home can connect with a Movin’ Out HUD-certified housing counselor for help building a foundation of knowledge, documenting home ownership goals and strategies, and crafting a tailored housing plan. Our housing counseling program has adopted the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling. Empowered with a step-by-step plan, first-time income-eligible home buyers may qualify for down payment assistance grants or loans to achieve their home ownership goals.
For current homeowners, Movin’ Out housing counselors provide housing counseling and access to resources for home repair and improvements for safety and accessibility.
We also offer housing counseling, information, and planning help for people seeking to rent a home.
Contact a housing counselor
Housing counselors welcome your questions. Anyone needing information or referrals, people with disabilities and their allies, family members, service providers, care managers, or support brokers can contact us.
To reach a Movin’ Out housing counselor, call (608) 251-4446, extension 7, or toll free (877) 861-6746, extension 7.
If you need accommodation for a hearing or speech impairment, please dial 7-1-1 to connect to Telephone Relay Services (TRS) from any phone. TRS will then connect you to Movin’ Out at (608) 251-4446.
You can also email us at: info@movin-out.org.
Home Ownership

Achieving affordability and reducing the financial risks of home ownership
For any household, housing affordability is a key to financial stability. Affordability means that, ideally, housing costs should not be more than about one third of your monthly income. For many with disabilities, low income can severely limit housing options.
If you are a first-time home buyer and meet income eligibility requirements, Movin’ Out can help with deferred or forgivable loans for down payments that reduce first mortgage debt for lower monthly payments, and lower the amount of cash you need for closing. Maximum purchase price limits apply.
Home buyer assistance programs
If you dream of owning your own home, Movin’ Out down payment assistance can help make mortgage payments affordable for income-qualified first-time home buyers with disabilities in many Wisconsin communities.
Outside the City of Madison, we can connect Dane County income-qualified home buyers with or without disabilities to housing counseling and mortgage reduction loans.
Home Buyer Education

Introducing Movin’ Out Homebuyer Education
Homebuyer education can help you navigate the challenges of purchasing your first home. And completing homebuyer education that meets the National Industry Standards for Homeownership Education and Counseling is required to qualify for many down payment assistance programs. We are thrilled to share our new fully accessible online homebuyer education course that meets these standards.
Movin’ Out Homebuyer Education is designed specifically to meet the needs of low-income first time homebuyers in Wisconsin who are people with disabilities. The course is affordably priced at just $60, plus you can choose to purchase one unit at a time, which breaks the low cost into four even easier-to-afford payments of $15 each.
The course design is based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) so the content is accessible to people with disabilities including blindness and low vision, deafness and hearing loss, cognitive disabilities, photosensitivity, and combinations of these. For example, participants can choose to learn from audiovisual and/or text-based content. All documents are designed for use with screen readers, and all audiovisual materials include closed captions. In addition, our course can be completed on a phone, tablet, or computer.
Le presentamos el programa de educación para compradores de vivienda Movin' Out
El programa de educación para compradores de vivienda puede ayudarlo a navegar los desafíos al comprar su primera casa. El completar un programa de educación para compradores de vivienda que cumpla con los Estándares Nacionales de la Industria para la Educación y el Asesoramiento para Propietarios de Vivienda es un requerimiento para calificar a muchos programas de asistencia para el pago inicial. Estamos encantados de compartir con usted nuestro nuevo curso de educación para compradores de vivienda en línea el cual es totalmente accesible y que cumple con estos estándares.
El programa de educación para compradores de vivienda Movin' Out está diseñado específicamente para satisfacer las necesidades de los compradores de bajos ingresos que están adquiriendo una vivienda por primera vez en Wisconsin y que tienen discapacidades. El curso tiene un precio asequible de solo $60, además de que puede optar por comprar una unidad del curso a la vez, lo que divide este bajo costo en cuatro pagos aún más fáciles de pagar de $15 cada uno.
El diseño del curso se basa en las reglas de Accesibilidad al Contenido Web (WCAG), por lo que el contenido es accesible para personas con discapacidades, incluidas ceguera y visión escasa, sordera y pérdida auditiva, discapacidades cognitivas, fotosensibilidad y combinaciones de estas. Por ejemplo, los participantes pueden optar por aprender de contenidos audiovisuales y/o basados en texto. Todos los documentos están diseñados para su uso con lectores de pantalla, y todos los materiales audiovisuales incluyen subtítulos. Además, nuestro curso se puede completar usando un teléfono, tableta o computadora.
Si desea tomar este curso en una versión en español, por favor comuníquese con Movin' Out para que sea referido a los cursos comparables en español.
Home Repair

Making repairs and improvements for safety and accessibility
Movin’ Out helps income-qualified home owners with a family member with a disability plan and carry out repairs, improvements, and accessibility modifications that improve the health and safety of the home. We can help you arrange grants or deferred or forgivable loans to help pay for these expenses. A home repair loan can be used to fix a roof, repair or replace a furnace, build or repair a ramp, install handrails, and many other types of improvements.
Dane County Minor Home Repair Program
The Dane County Minor Home Repair Program provides eligible homeowners with a $5,000 grant that can be used to repair the owner’s home or to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
Who is eligible?
Household income at 80% of county median or less.
A household member must have a permanent disability.
The home must be occupied by the owner as their primary residence.
Payments must be current on mortgage, property taxes, and homeowner’s insurance.
The assessed value of property being assisted must not exceed 95% of the area median purchase price.
The household must not have received assistance through the provision of a Dane County repair grant in the previous three years.
Affordable Housing Program (AHP)
Home Repair Grant
The AHP Home Repair Program provides eligible homeowners with a grant that can be used to repair their home or to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.
This grant is available statewide.
Who is eligible?
Household income at 80% of county median or less.
A household member must have a permanent disability.
The home must be occupied by the owner as their primary residence.
Payments must be current on mortgage, property taxes, and homeowner’s insurance.