Programs for people with disabilities and others who are interested in purchasing homes in Wisconsin
Waukesha HOME Consortium
Movin’ Out is a preferred housing counseling provider for the Waukesha HOME Consortium. This program helps eligible families with household incomes at or below 80% of the county median to afford a home purchase in Waukesha, Washington, Ozaukee, or Jefferson Counties. Forgivable loans up to $10,000 may be used toward the down payment and/or closing costs for purchasing an owner-occupied home.
As long as the property remains the borrower’s primary residence for five years, the loan is forgiven and no repayment is due. This loan may be combined with other down payment assistance (DPA) programs to make the home purchase even more affordable. Loan recipients must complete housing counseling with an approved provider such as Movin’ Out before the HOME DPA funds are released. Contact Movin’ Out for more information.
Down Payment Plus
FHLBC provides down payment assistance to homebuyers earning up to 80% of the area median income. The DPP program provides forgivable grants at closing when the homebuyer is financing through a participating FHLB member bank. Eligible households may receive up to $10,000 in assistance. There are participating member banks across Wisconsin.
Movin’ Out, Inc. is a proud partner organization for the DPP program. We offer homebuyer education and one-on-one housing counseling, both of which are requirements for receiving down payment assistance through the DPP program. Contact Movin’ Out for more information.
Homebuyer and Homeowner Rehabilitation (HHR) Down Payment Assistance Loan Program
The Homebuyer and Homeowner Rehabilitation (HHR) Down Payment Assistance Loan Program provides 0% interest, deferred-payment loans to assist qualified first-time home buyers with down payment and closing costs on a home purchase throughout the entire state of Wisconsin.
Who is eligible?
Household income at 80% of county median or less.
First-time home buyer, single parent or displaced homemaker.
A household member must have a permanent disability.
Housing Cost Reduction Initiative (HCRI)
Down Payment Assistance Loan Program
The HCRI Down Payment Assistance Loan Program provides 0% interest, deferred-payment loans to assist qualified first-time home buyers with down payment and closing costs on a home purchase.
Who is eligible?
Household income at 80% of county median or less.
First-time home buyer, single parent or displaced homemaker.
A household member must have a permanent disability.