Home Repair Funds Enable Critical Changes
Ted contacted Movin’ Out when his air conditioner was in need of repair on a hot summer day. Due to medical issues that require a cool home, he was very concerned about the heat and how he was going to get his air conditioner working again. A Housing Counselor worked with Ted to get this repaired as quickly as possible. Once the air conditioner was repaired he was able to focus on other items that needed repair.
Ted installed a new air conditioner and also replaced many windows.
New energy-efficient windows improve Ted's heating & cooling systems.
Empowering Self-directed Repair Initiatives
Ted was very careful to find contractors who would give him the best deal so that the available funding could cover the many projects that needed to be done. The work included new windows and storm doors, a new shower, and rebuilt front steps to improve safety.
Movin' Out Makes a Clear Difference
Ted is very pleased with the repairs and is happy to show off his home and tell others about the help he received from Movin’ Out. Ted is very appreciative to Movin’ Out for the support and enjoyed the phone calls with his Housing Counselor to coordinate all of the work.
Home repair funds from MOI helped fix basement leaks.
We love helping people like Ted improve quality of life.
Photos: Nick Wilkes Photography